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For the 6th birthday of my son I built a model of the Harzbahn Mallet 99 5901 (ex NWE 11) based on two Stainz chassis. Data and drawings can be found in Röper/Zieglgänsberger "Die Selketalbahn" and in Kiper/Preuß "Schmalspur zwischen Ostsee und Erzgebirge", chapter 2.4.1. (The book has been republished in 2011 by transpress as "DDR-Schmalsurbahn-Archiv".)  The prototype was built in 1897 from Jung at Jungenthal for the Nordhausen Wernigeroder Railroad and in 1949 registered from the DDR Reichsbahn as 99 5901. The  engine still runs at the HSB Harzer Schmalspurbahn.

Scratch built Harzbahn Mallet locomotive NWE 11 99 5901 LGB Stainz

(Copyright Armin Bothmann)


Twenty years later I built another model of this Mallet for my second eldest brother, who is a great fan of the narrow gauge railroad at the Harz.

second Harzbahn Mallet 99 5901 NWE 11 HSB Nordhausen Wernigerode

(Copyright Armin Bothmann)



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